Announcing: Lynne McCollum – Michigan Office of Services to the Aging
Starjack Entertainment is delighted to announce that we have added a new panelist to our conference in West Bloomfield Township on September 30th : Lynne McCollum – Elder Abuse Prevention Specialist, Michigan Office of Services to the Aging. She will be speaking about the state’s initiatives for the safety, security, and dignity of the elderly, as well as enumerating the many resources available to those who wish to protect their senior citizen clients, patients, and/or loved ones before tragedy strikes.
Ms. McCollum’s participation is going to be fabulous !!
Pamela Glasner, Starjack Entertainment, Last Will and Embezzlement, Senior Citizens, Embezzlement, Harry Glasner, Victimization, Forgiveness, Financial Exploitation, Elderly, wills, advocacy, power of attorney, medical surrogacy, taking advantage, Elder Exploitation, Elder Abuse, Senility, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Mickey Rooney, Artie Pasquale, Alan Rickman, Jane Fonda, The Butler, Rupert Grint, Harry Potter